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ブリジット・ライリー「ナタラージャ」は厳しい教えの輪廻転生図Bridget Riley’s “Natarajya” is a reincarnation chart



















This time, it's Bridget Riley's work, ``Natarajya.'' Nataraja is the Hindu god Shiva.

First of all, this Hindu faith is based on Mount Kairam (Himalayas, Kantise Mountains). This mountain is very steep, and this painting seemed to be inspired by Mt. Kairam.

Hinduism is based on reincarnation. This means that if you do your best in your current status and do good deeds in life, your status will be elevated when you die and are reborn. If you do something bad, you may not be human again when you are reborn, and you will have to undergo a lot of training.

In this way, in Hinduism, we practice asceticism in our current status, hope for a future status, and overcome daily austerities.

This "Natarajya" was painted in 1993.

This abstract painting felt to me like a diagram of reincarnation. Although the painting appears to be irregular, it has a solid basis, and if you turn it upside down, it does not become a reincarnation diagram.

Based on Mount Kairam, it sharply depicts the reincarnation of humans. Since it requires effort, many reincarnations are depicted from the bottom to the top.

Starting from the bottom left, each section is divided into sections, and the reincarnation of that person is expressed in various colors. Training is painful and it is difficult to attain liberation. Gedatsu is when a person who has completed penance is finally able to break free from samsara and become liberated.

It is very difficult to achieve liberation.

If you look closely at this painting, you will see that the highest level is liberation to heaven. In order to be liberated, the line that extends, ignoring the one-currency, is after the person has been liberated. This is a blue color.

Then, descending to the earth is the second level of liberation. This is the green line, and the line that extends from one cool is the line that the person has liberated from.

I felt this way. If you look at this painting, you will understand that it is difficult for people to take root from reincarnation.

Even if you are in a disadvantaged position or vice versa, there are only a few who can be liberated. That's why this painting tells us to live our lives to the fullest, whether it's cruel or not.

When I actually looked at this painting, the monotonous color scheme almost caught my eye, but that was not the focus.

By abstracting the harsh teachings of Hinduism, it expresses how difficult these teachings are to put into practice and the importance of performing austerities.

At first glance, it is a monotonous painting that does not leave much of an impression. However, when I realized that this painting was a Hindu depiction of reincarnation, with Mount Kairam as its motif, I felt the weight of the teachings and thought it was a wonderful painting.

This painting, which is a religious painting and depicts reincarnation, gave me a sense of the strictness of the teachings.

It was a painting that was completely different from my first impression, and made me realize once again the teachings of this painting, and the austerity of putting them into practice.

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