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生成AIいわゆるChatGPTの蚘事をGAFAMに刀定しおもらったWe had GAFAM judge the article about generated AI so-called ChatGPT.



YMYLずは䜕か YMYLずは、Your Money or Your Lifeあなたのお金、あなたの生掻に関するコンテンツのこずです。 Googleの怜玢品質評䟡ガむドラむンでは、「人々の健康、経枈的安定、安党、たたは犏利に重倧な圱響を䞎える可胜性がある話題」ず定矩されおいたす。














I didn't have a good impression of the generation AI. However, I decided to create an article using ChatGPT. I tried writing in the so-called YMYL area.

What is Google's YMYL?

What is YMYL? YMYL is content related to Your Money or Your Life. Google's Search Quality Rating Guidelines define topics as "topics that may have a significant impact on people's health, economic stability, safety, or well-being."

I decided to write an article that falls into this category and would normally be difficult to write about in detail.

I wanted to know how GAFAM, which is a generative AI development company and knows a lot about search and the Internet, would judge articles created with ChatGPT.

Of course, this is written based on my personal experiences and other experiences. It's not my nature to mix things up or use them in a misleading way, so I used so-called generative AI to create the article, quoting them openly. Then, it was indexed when it was created, but it disappeared from the index within a week.

Now that I look at it, I don't have a specialty in sun protection and face washing, and the articles I could write were indexed. This article is supplemented with generative AI.

In other words, generative AI articles written outside of one's own domain and borrowing the opinions of others were not indexed.

I couldn't write anything beyond my ability. This is only for support, and articles that use this to go beyond your own area will not be evaluated.

Over time, this article was also evaluated to not be indexed.

After doing this experiment, I felt as though I had come out of a fog, and my heart became brighter. Even if an article appears to be highly complete at first glance, it will not be evaluated if it goes beyond one's own area due to mechanical manipulation.

I am expressing what I feel in my own way through this forum. Knowledge can be memorized and shared by anyone.

However, it is extremely important to express your feelings and knowledge in your own words, and by honing this ability, you can further elevate yourself. In other words, you can step up to the next level.

Therefore, I feel relieved after receiving this GAFAM judgment, knowing that if you take the easy way to constantly improve yourself, this will make a big difference over the years. That's what I did.

I have decided to continue writing in my own words and in my own way. There is a big debate in the world about generative AI, but this is how I was able to get an official answer.

I write everything in my own words, except for those pages where I have intentionally quoted. From now on, I will continue to write while steadily improving myself. I decided to aim to write even better articles than I am now.

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