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美肌の私がしている日焼け対策と洗顔Sun protection and face washing for beautiful skin





メラニン生成: 日光にさらされると、肌のメラノサイトと呼ばれる細胞がメラニンという色素を生成します。メラニンは肌を日焼けしたり、タンニング効果を与えたりする役割を果たします。これにより、肌が日光によって褐色化することがあります。

日焼け: 長時間の強い日光にさらされると、肌は日焼けすることがあります。日焼けは、メラニンの生成が増加し、肌が赤くなったり、炎症を起こしたりすることで現れます。長期的な日焼けは肌の老化や皮膚がんのリスクを高める可能性があります。

紫外線ダメージ: 日光には紫外線(UV)が含まれており、UVBとUVAの2つの主要なタイプがあります。UVBは肌の表面に影響を与え、日焼けや紅斑などの炎症を引き起こす可能性があります。UVAはより深い皮膚層に到達し、肌の老化やしわ、色素沈着などに関与する可能性があります。

ビタミンD合成: 日光は肌に当たることで、ビタミンDの生成を促進する効果もあります。ビタミンDは骨の健康や免疫系の正常な機能に重要な役割を果たします。















熱すぎる水: 熱い水は肌の自然な油分を取り除き、肌の保湿バリアを傷つける可能性があります。また、熱い水は血管を拡張させ、肌を赤くしたり刺激したりすることがあります。

冷たすぎる水: 冷たい水は肌の血液循環を制限し、肌の乾燥や敏感さを引き起こす可能性があります。また、冷たい水は毛穴を引き締め、汚れを取り除く効果が限定的です。

ぬるま湯(体温程度): ぬるま湯は肌にとって最適な温度です。体温程度のぬるま湯は肌を柔らかくし、毛穴を開かせて皮脂や汚れを取り除く助けとなります。また、ぬるま湯は肌の保湿バリアを維持し、肌の乾燥を防ぐ役割も果たします。







しわの深さ: 乾燥した肌は水分不足を感じている状態です。肌の水分が不足すると、肌の柔軟性や弾力性が低下し、しわや細かな皺が目立ちやすくなります。乾燥した肌は、シワがより深く見えることがあります。

乾燥細胞の蓄積: 乾燥した肌は正常なターンオーバーが妨げられることがあります。これにより、古い角質細胞が肌表面に蓄積し、肌がざらつきやくすみを帯びることがあります。このざらつきやくすみがシワをより目立たせる可能性があります。

皮脂腺の機能低下: 乾燥した肌では、皮脂腺の正常な機能が低下することがあります。皮脂腺は肌を保湿し、柔軟性を与える役割を果たしています。しかし、乾燥によって皮脂の分泌が減少すると、肌の保湿力が低下し、シワが目立ちやすくなります。

強い表情の影響: 乾燥した肌は柔軟性が低下しているため、表情の変化や動きによってしわができやすくなります。特に、笑ったり顔をしかめたりする際に、乾燥した肌ではシワがより目立つことがあります。






This time, I would like to introduce you to the sun protection and face wash that I use to maintain beautiful skin.

Sun protection is very important. I'll write about the general things first.

After all, sunlight's ultraviolet rays can damage your skin. If you look into this, you will see that there is considerable damage.

Sunlight can have a variety of effects on your skin. Below are the main effects of sunlight on your skin.

Melanin production: When exposed to sunlight, cells in your skin called melanocytes produce a pigment called melanin. Melanin plays a role in tanning the skin or giving it a tanning effect. This can cause your skin to brown from the sun.

Sunburn: Prolonged exposure to strong sunlight can cause your skin to tan. Sunburn occurs when melanin production increases, causing the skin to become red and irritated. Long-term sun exposure can age your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer.

UV damage: Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which comes in two main types: UVB and UVA. UVB affects the surface of the skin and can cause sunburn and inflammation such as erythema. UVA can reach deeper skin layers and contribute to skin aging, wrinkles, and pigmentation.

Vitamin D synthesis: Sunlight also has the effect of promoting the production of vitamin D when it hits the skin. Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health and the normal functioning of the immune system.

However, excessive sun exposure can have negative effects on your skin, so it's important to use proper sunscreen and take appropriate UV protection measures.

Prolonged sunbathing and exposure to strong UV rays can increase your risk of skin discoloration, sunburn, age spots, wrinkles, photoaging, and skin cancer. In order to maintain the health of your skin, it is important to be aware of how to get an appropriate amount of sunlight and take measures against sunburn.

As for sunscreen, we all know about it, so I won't write about it here.

It is a lifestyle-based sun protection measure.

I have a product that I purchased on Amazon.


This product is made in Japan and is a patented product. This product protects the eyes well, but the mouth area has a two-layer structure that makes it easy to breathe and is very easy to wear.It also protects your neck from getting sunburned.

I've been using products like this for over 10 years, even before people knew about them. These days, I often get asked about this product. It seems to have become quite famous, and many people can be seen owning this product.

In this way, products that used to be treated as suspicious are now becoming commonplace in Japan.

As for sunscreen, I won't even mention it since this is pretty well known. Nowadays, houses in Japan are fitted with UV-cut glass as standard.

However, if you don't have this, be sure to take precautions against sunburn even when you're at home by wearing UV-blocking lace curtains.

I also use UV-protected lace curtains.

Next is about washing your face.

The important thing is the water temperature when washing your face.

This is so important that I decided to do some research to describe it in detail.

When washing your face, lukewarm water (around your body temperature) is suitable so as not to damage your skin. Details are explained below.

Water that's too hot: Hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils and damage your skin's moisture barrier. Hot water also dilates blood vessels, which can make your skin red and irritated.

Water that's too cold: Cold water can restrict blood circulation to your skin and cause skin dryness and sensitivity. Cold water also tightens pores and has limited effectiveness in removing dirt.

Lukewarm water (about body temperature): Lukewarm water is the perfect temperature for your skin. Warm water, at about body temperature, softens the skin and opens pores to help remove oil and dirt. Warm water also helps maintain your skin's moisture barrier and prevents it from drying out.

When washing your face, use lukewarm water to gently lather the face wash and then apply it to your skin. Washing your face with excessive friction or force can irritate your skin, causing dryness and inflammation, so it's important to wash your face with gentle massage. Also, don't forget to apply proper moisturizer after washing your face.

As mentioned above, one thing to be especially careful about is not to use hot water. This is because using hot water causes your skin to lose its oils, which can lead to dry skin. These factors can also be the cause of wrinkles on the face.

That's why I now use cold water or rubber gloves when washing dishes in the kitchen in the winter. Since I also had a child, the skin on my hands is not necessarily in good condition, but I try to avoid further damage to my skin.

I have rather dry skin, so I don't use facial cleanser every time. This is because it eliminates oil. This also causes dryness and can cause wrinkles.

I researched dry skin and facial wrinkles.

Dry skin can have a variety of effects on facial wrinkles. Some of them are shown below.

Wrinkle depth: Dry skin means it feels dehydrated. When the skin lacks moisture, the flexibility and elasticity of the skin decreases, making wrinkles and fine lines more noticeable. Dry skin can make wrinkles appear deeper.

Dry cell accumulation: Dry skin can inhibit normal skin turnover. This can cause dead skin cells to accumulate on the skin's surface, making it look rough and dull. This roughness and dullness can make wrinkles more noticeable.

Reduced function of sebaceous glands: Dry skin can reduce the normal function of sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are responsible for moisturizing the skin and making it supple. However, when sebum secretion decreases due to dryness, the skin's moisturizing ability decreases and wrinkles become more noticeable.

Effects of strong facial expressions: Dry skin is less flexible, making it more susceptible to wrinkles due to changes in facial expressions and movement. Wrinkles can be more noticeable on dry skin, especially when you smile or grimace.

Due to these factors, dry skin can affect the formation and visibility of facial wrinkles. Proper moisturizing care and hydration are important in reducing skin dryness and reducing the formation and appearance of wrinkles. We also recommend using sunscreen and following a good skin care routine to protect your skin from UV rays.

Based on these considerations, you need to think about what is best for your skin.

Appropriate oil content is important for your skin, so washing away oil with facial cleanser every time you wash your face will dry out your skin and make it more prone to wrinkles. Even if you supplement with cosmetics, it is very important to take care of the oil produced by your skin.

This time, when we talk about sun protection, we usually talk about sunscreen, but I would like to suggest something from a different perspective. When it comes to washing your face, the general idea is to wash your face with a face wash, but instead of doing that, I value the natural oils from my skin. This is different from the commonly used method.

I am sure that those who read this article will understand, so I wrote this article in a way that you can understand while researching my skin maintenance.




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