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東日本と西日本の食文化の違い|使い捨て文化の違和感Differences in food culture between eastern and western Japan | Discomfort with disposable culture















扱いやすさ: ピアニカは鍵盤楽器ですが、他の鍵盤楽器に比べて比較的扱いやすいと言えます。特に初心者や子供にとって、ピアニカは簡単に始められる楽器です。

安価な価格帯: ピアニカは一般的に他の鍵盤楽器よりも安価な価格帯で入手できます。高価なピアノやキーボードが手の届かない人にとって、ピアニカは手頃な選択肢となります。

持ち運びが容易: ピアニカはコンパクトで軽量な楽器ですので、持ち運びが容易です。旅行やアウトドアでの演奏に適しているため、移動中でも練習や演奏が可能です。


音域の限定: ピアニカは音域が限定されており、一般的に32鍵から37鍵程度のモデルが一般的です。そのため、他の鍵盤楽器に比べて音域が狭く、高音域や低音域での演奏が制約されることがあります。

音の表現力の制限: ピアニカは吹き込むことで音を出すため、息の量や吹き込み方によって音の表現力が制限されることがあります。音の強弱やニュアンスを自在に表現するのは難しい場合があります。

他の楽器との置き換えに限りがある: ピアニカは独自の音色を持っていますが、他の鍵盤楽器や管楽器とは異なるため、完全に置き換えることは難しい場合があります。特に高度な演奏や音楽の表現を追求する場合には、他の楽器を選ぶことが求められるかもしれません。

このように、息の使い方によって違う音が出ます。しかしながら、鍵盤楽器を安価で、学べる教材として日本の学校では、使用されています。これが、加速して、今では、Made in Japan から Made in Indonesia になってしまいました。素材も音も、ワングレード落ちてしまいました。








Japan has a long continent running north, south, east and west, and drift ice can be seen in Hokkaido in the north. In the south, coral reefs can also be seen in Okinawa Prefecture.

For this reason, Japan's real society is generally divided into two groups.

In Japan, there are regions with 50Hz and 60Hz, and generally, with Fujikawa in Shizuoka Prefecture as the border, eastern Japan has 50Hz and western Japan has 60Hz.

This is said to be due to the fact that during the Meiji era, when the electric power industry began, the Kanto region imported 50Hz generators from Germany, and the Kansai region imported 60Hz generators from the United States.

Quoted from the Hokkaido Electric Power website

In this way, electricity is also divided into two parts. Therefore, there are home appliances that tend to break easily, and I have broken washing machines and microwave ovens. Nowadays, there are more common parts, and I think such failures are rarer, but this is only a recent phenomenon.

However, rather than this electric power, I often feel that Japan is divided into two, just by the Fuji River where the electric power is divided. Food culture is one of them. I often feel that the taste is very different between eastern and western Japan.

This is because soy sauce, a seasoning, has a very different taste even if it is made by the same manufacturer.

Eastern Japan has a soy sauce with a high salt flavor, while western Japan has a light soy sauce with a low salt flavor. So when I was in eastern Japan, I used a lot of light soy sauce. The East Japan version of koikuchi soy sauce, which is usually used, has a lot of salt and a strong taste, so I can't get the flavor I want with regular koikuchi soy sauce, so I have to buy ``light soy sauce'' separately. I did.

This seems to extend to the raw materials of various foodstuffs.

Therefore, I couldn't eat processed foods from eastern Japan because they didn't suit my tastes. This was most evident in instant ramen. It seems that even the same ramen from the same manufacturer is made in West Japan and East Japan.

When I lived in East Japan, I couldn't eat instant ramen because it had a strong taste and a lot of salt.

There was only one ramen that had the same taste. This was Marutai stick ramen. So, I was only able to eat Marutai's stick ramen, which was very inconvenient. The seasonings are fundamentally different, so it may be unavoidable here.

Osaka, the center of western Japan, is a region with a strong food culture that is known as ``eating and eating.'' This perception is strongly reflected in eastern Japan.

One of the joys of traveling is enjoying the local food culture. When I traveled from western Japan to Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, which is a crossroads, I asked at the guide center at Hamamatsu Station, ``Is there any delicious food in Hamamatsu?'' "?" and no other delicious dishes were introduced.

However, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture is famous for its musical instruments, and the museum of musical instruments was very culturally interesting, as you could see the beauty of pipe organs and compare the sounds of keyboard instruments. .

In Japan, people learn keyboard instruments in elementary school. The instrument used for this purpose is commonly known as a pianica, which is played on a keyboard while blowing. I did some research on this pianica.

A pianica is a type of keyboard instrument that requires blowing with the mouth to produce sound. Below are some of the pros and cons of the pianica.

Advantages of pianica:

Ease of handling: Although the pianica is a keyboard instrument, it can be said to be relatively easy to handle compared to other keyboard instruments. The pianica is an easy instrument to start playing, especially for beginners and children.

Cheaper price range: Pianicas are generally available at a cheaper price point than other keyboard instruments. For those who can't afford an expensive piano or keyboard, a pianica is an affordable option.

Easy to carry: The pianica is a compact and lightweight instrument, making it easy to carry. Suitable for traveling and playing outdoors, you can practice and play while on the go.

Pianica cons:

Limited range: Pianicas have a limited range, and models with 32 to 37 keys are common. As a result, it has a narrower range than other keyboard instruments, and performance in the high and low ranges may be restricted.

Restrictions on the expressive power of sound: Since the pianica produces sound by blowing into it, the expressive power of the sound may be limited depending on the amount of breath and the method of blowing. It can be difficult to freely express the strength and nuance of a sound.

Limited substitution with other instruments: Although the pianica has a unique tone, it is different from other keyboard and wind instruments, so it may be difficult to completely replace it. If you are pursuing particularly advanced performance or musical expression, you may be required to choose another instrument.

In this way, different sounds are produced depending on how you use your breath. However, it is used in Japanese schools as an inexpensive teaching material for learning keyboard instruments.

This has accelerated and now we have changed from Made in Japan to Made in Indonesia. Both the material and the sound have fallen a grade.

In terms of creating an environment where everyone can use, cheap musical instruments are not selective, but cheap music tends to make things inferior. In fact, many children write directly on the keyboard with magic. In Japan, due to the declining birthrate, it is rare for families to share things, so cheap disposable items are often used for children, with the assumption that they will be thrown away. I am no exception to this, as I had no place to store my belongings and moved frequently. However, the Japanese imperial family has used building blocks for generations, and I believe that high-quality toys foster a sense of valuing things and the spirit of being passed down from generation to generation.

In Japan's housing situation, it's difficult to pass down things from generation to generation, even toys, but it's extremely difficult to maintain a sense of valuing things these days. This is because Japan has many inexpensive but high quality products, so there are many temptations.

There is a word for this game. “Simplicity and fortitude” (shitujitugouken)

Meaning: “No frills, serious, strong and firm.”

Something basic and solid will last a long time. This is a word that describes human nature, and I believe that what we wear and what we surround ourselves with overlap in many ways, and over time, we are formed. I don't think you can become ``simple and strong'' if you worry about being popular with the public or what others think of you.

These days, we don't hear these words very often, but they are filled with a spirit that we want to cherish, so we would like to introduce them here.

The topic has expanded considerably, but I would like to write about the differences between the food cultures of eastern and western Japan and the discomfort of the disposable culture that I felt from the culture of musical instruments in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, located in the center of Japan. Ta.




日本の教育の現状と問題点 戦後、GHQの指導の中、学制改革が行われ、6・3・3・4制(小学校6年、中学校3年、高等学校3年、大学4年)が導入されました。 1947年アメリカの学習指導要領は、Course of Study...


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