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東京オリンピックの段ボールベッドに込められた思い。The thoughts put into the cardboard bed of the Tokyo Olympics.









The Tokyo Olympics are in the middle of being held. The Olympic Games are a world isolated from the city called “Tokyo”. Without any major confusion, athletes are competing with the world’s top athletes one after another, with joy and sometimes regret, over the course of five years. The appearance is very reliable.

There are things that the players thought unusual and had various happenings. A bed made of cardboard. This is a “cardboard bed” made in Japan, which is underprivileged. It’s not something special like in the Olympic Village.

There are many disasters in Japan. The trigger for this Olympics was the Great East Japan Earthquake. This is because the Fukushima nuclear power plant suffered a major disaster due to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011, and a large tsunami and fire lost a great deal of lives. 22,000 people.

Those who lost everything were just stunned at the shelter. Many people have been seriously injured. There was nothing. Until then, Japan was often unable to sleep in shelters with poor bedding in the event of a disaster.

That is why Japan has developed this “cardboard bed”. Then, in the Great East Japan Earthquake, this “cardboard bed” was used. With this “cardboard bed”, people who lost everything lay their exhausted bodies in shelters and rested.

Yes, it was just one piece of luxury furniture. It is a “cardboard bed” that was born because there is nothing. Therefore, Japan used the “cardboard bed” used in Fukushima at the Tokyo Olympic Village in the Olympic Village. It was a “cardboard bed” that was made because there is nothing in Japan.

This bed has saved many people. For those who can’t sleep in bed every day and lose everything, this bed is really the best bed. There are many things we take for granted now that are not.

Therefore, I want you to know that the “cardboard bed” is filled with the thoughts of such people. May this wish reach the world. I hope that it will be handed down to everyone along with the memories of the Tokyo Olympics.










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