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岸田首相の記者会見とロシアに対する国民感情。Prime minister press conference and public sentiment towards Russia.


世界で唯一の戦争被爆国である日本はこれからも平和国家として歩みます。私はその歴史を受け継ぎ、希望ある未来を目指し国民が何を望むのか現実を見据え勇気をもって決断する政治を実現していきます。 岸田文雄公式サイト

















米国のFox News の報道カメラマンが、死亡したそうです。とても悔しい思いと共に心からご冥福をお祈りします。

March 16 ,2022. The press conference of the 101st Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was broadcast live. Before that,I look back on the career of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Born in (Naka Ward,Higashi Ward, Minami Ward)Hiroshima 1st District.

Experienced as the president of the 27th Liberal Democratic Party. He also has a wealth of experience as a minister. (Below Kishida and honorific title omitted.)

Japan, the only country in the world that has been exposed to war, will continue to be a peaceful nation. I will carry on that history, aim for a hopeful future, look at the reality of what the people want, and realize a politics that makes courageous decisions.

Fumio Kishida official website.

I want you to engrave Prime Minister words in your heart while engraving this sentence in your heart.

Very clearly stated that Russia will deal with the invasion of Ukraine in cooperation with the G7 5 items. On top of that, he asserted that this did not touch the law.

It was a press conference that clearly showed the attitude of operating the government with such a strong will.

It seems that the infectious disease control has already ordered the fourth vaccine. Prime Minister said it might be wasted in his own words.I felt that he was a very sincere person.

I also talked about the number of orders and the amount of money. However, he valued the health and life of the people according to his own judgment criteria. Very leadership.

Prices are soaring now. I went to the store and checked the price. The lap was doubled. It was about 450 yen about two item.Tissue paper is also 450 yen(5 boxes).The old one in stock was the conventional price of 278 yen. When the stock runs out, you can feel that products with only new prices will be lined up.

Gyudon was attractive because it was cheap, but the price increased by 50 yen. The meat is about 1/3 of the size, and the word “meat-grained rice” suits you. If I ate out at another store, the price did not change, but the amount was 1/3.

If you go to Costoco, it seems that the stock of American beef is law, and domestic high-quality beef is lined up. What impressed me there was the salt salmon section. When I saw the production area of the salt salmon, it was Russia.

If the person next to me was a salted salmon, I was advised that this Chilean production area is delicious.

When I often looked at the product display, the salt salmon caught in Russia seemed to be left unsold alongside the store for a long time, and the freshness was a little low.

The salt salmon from Chile, which is lined up inconspicuously on the display, seemed to sell well.

I was very impressed.

Japan, which has such a low food self-sufficiency rate, said that Prime Minister must take measures against grains.

The Japanese national sentiment towards Russia is quite bad.

Prime Minister has stated that he will be in step with the world to deal with this Russian invasion of Ukraine. It would be great if we could survive this situation with economic sanctions without a full-scale war. I just hope it will happen.

But Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a bit tricky. This is because the freedom of the press is deprived of it.

A news photographer from FOX News in the United States has died. I pray from the bottom of my heart with great regret.




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