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実験レポート、ユニクロの機能性素材「AIRism」エアリズムの素晴らしさ。Experiment report, UNIQLO’s functional material “AI


先ず、women の素材の特徴。高級衣料の裏地に使われているキュプラ。これは、日本ならではの素材でそれを元に作られています。この繊維は、「呼吸する繊維」とも言われ、繊維自体が、吸湿性を持ち、接触冷感と言って、冷たく感じる機能があります。だから、汗に負けない。供給、旭化成株式会社。








women インナーには、えりが、大きく開いたVネックや、ノースリーブタイプ等の幅広いラインナップ。この高機能素材は、インナーを始め、ウエア、マスクまで、幅広く商品があります。ユニクロは、機能性、耐久性を常に追求します。そして、環境に配慮して、パッケージを改良したり、製造ロスを減らす為に色んなことをして、持続可能な社会を追求しています。


This time, we would like to introduce UNIQLO Co., Ltd.'s functional material AIRism, which was born in Japan, which has one of the most difficult summers in the world, hot and humid. This is a functional material based on the concept that by layering it under spring/summer tops, you can feel more comfortable than wearing just one piece of clothing. It continues to improve and evolve every year.

First, the characteristics of the women's material. Cupro is used as the lining for high-end clothing. This is made from materials unique to Japan. These fibers are also called ``breathing fibers,'' and the fibers themselves are hygroscopic and have the ability to feel cool to the touch. That's why you don't lose to sweat. Supplied by Asahi Kasei Corporation.

Men material. It is made by bundling and weaving ultra-fine microfibers that are 1/12 the thickness of a human hair. It is made in Japan using highly difficult mechanical operations, and although it has reached the ultimate level, we are aiming for further improvements. Supplied by Toray Industries, Inc.

Now, we will examine the results of actual experiments and report on the wonderful material of AIRism.

First of all, moisture absorption and moisture release. It absorbs steam, so it's comfortable even when you sweat. According to the experimental report, when placed in a space containing water vapor, it immediately absorbs moisture, and the water vapor is present in the polyester material as it is, but this ``AIRism'' easily absorbs the vapor. , no steam exists in that space. So it doesn't get steamy. This has been experimentally proven. Therefore, breathability that releases moisture and hot air is guaranteed.

Next, dry. Because it absorbs moisture through capillary action, it quickly diffuses moisture and dries quickly. In the experiment report, we compare the functions with "cotton". In the same way, spray the moisture in a mist and expose it to the wind.

Then, the "cotton" material is still not dry. On the other hand, once AIRism spreads, it dries quickly due to the wind. Approximate time: 10 minutes. This is the secret to feeling comfortable and always staying dry. This has been experimentally proven. Therefore, it feels cold to the touch. It also guarantees a cool feel.

And deodorizing. This fiber has the ability to adsorb and neutralize odor sources such as ammonia, acetic acid, nonenal, and isovaleric acid. This deodorizes. In the experiment report, it is a comparison with "cotton". I poured ammonia water on it that actually dyed it pink. Then, when squeezed, the ``cotton'' material was dyed pink, but the ``AIRism'' material was neutralized and turned white. In this way, its deodorizing effect has actually been proven in experiments. Therefore, it is antibacterial and deodorizing. Prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria. It has proven antibacterial and deodorizing properties. We will suppress the growth of odor-causing bacteria and make your stay more comfortable.

Finally, the texture. Long and thin "microfiber" has a texture that surpasses silk. This is a comparison experiment between "cotton", "silk" and "AIRism". Place sand on top and make it diagonal. Other materials are largely sandy, but remain. The most important one was ``cotton,'' followed by ``silk.'' And "AIRism" has the least amount of residual sand. This difference can be clearly seen by enlarging the fibers. Long microfibers do not disturb the fibers. The short fibers stick out finely on the surface, making it stiff. This is noticeable with "cotton" materials. The weave of the fibers is finer than that of silk. Therefore, it is a material that feels the best on the skin. This has also been verified through experiments. The beauty of the arrangement of fibers brings out the quality of the material. This material is also particular about its stretch. We are particular about the materials we use. Therefore, it is a stretchy material that fits well, yet has a smooth texture.

Depending on the product, there are also UV protection materials.

For women, we have a wide range of innerwear, including wide-open V-necks and sleeveless types. This highly functional material is available in a wide range of products, including innerwear, clothing, and masks. UNIQLO always pursues functionality and durability. In addition, we are pursuing a sustainable society by improving our packaging and doing various things to reduce manufacturing loss in consideration of the environment.

This article was created with reference to UNIQLO Co., Ltd.'s homepage and experimental YouTube.


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