「イト」とは、「とても」という意味で、英語で言えば、「very 」という意味で、強調する言葉です。アンダーラインは、強調しているところです。「ナリ」のアンダーラインは、その「状態」を示しています。
Musi ha suzumushi. Higurashi . Chou. Matsumushi. Kirigirisu. Hataori.Warekara. Hiwomushi. Hotaru. Minomushi, Ito aware nari.
Oni no umi tari kere ba, Ota ni nite, kore mo osoroshiki kokoro aran tote, oyano ayashiki kinu hiki kise te, “Ima akikaze fukan wo rizo kon to sul. Hatigatsu bakari ni nareba, “Chi chi yo, Chi chi yo” to hakanage ni naku. Imiju aware nari.
Nukazukimushi, mata aware nari. Saru kokochi ni doushin okoshite, tsuki ari kuramuyo. Omoi kake zu kuraki tokoro nado ni hotomeki ari kitaru koso wokashi kere.
Hae koso nikuki mono no uchi ni iire tsubeku, aikyo naki mono ha aware. Hitobito shu Kataki nado ni subeki mono no ohkisa ni ara ne do, aki nado ta da yorozu no mono ni i, kao nado ni nure ashi shite iru nadoyo. Hito no na ni tsukitaru, Ito utomashi.
Natsumushi, ito wokashi ura utage nari. Hi chikou tori yose te monogatari nado miru ni, soushi no ue nado ni tobi ari ku, ito wokashi. Ari ha ito nikukere do, karobi imijuute, mizu no ue nado wo tada ayumi ni ayumi ariku koso wokashi kere.
There is such a “proverb” in Japan. “Even a small insect has a soul of very small.” No matter how small and trivial a creature is, it means that it is a precious existence. Buddhism especially dislikes “killing, sessiou”.
Therefore, there is “Shojin ryō”, which is developed from the cooking that Japanese monks practice. This is simply a “vegetarian” so that foreigners can understand it. However, there is a completed “Shojin ryō” by scraping off the beauty of the season and serving it in a beautiful bowl. I’ve written this before.
Returning to the story, in Buddhism, “life” is valued. Therefore, the idea is that “insects” also have an important “life.” There is such a thing.
I went out with a friend and was on the train. At that time, a small bug clung to her face. However, she used her hands to wipe it off many times and never beat the bug to death. Not all Japanese are such people, but such scenes are not uncommon. Except for pests.
So far, I hate “killing, sessiou”. From the short “life” of the small “insect”, I found “transience, hakanage”, felt “beauty” in that “life”, and from there “wabi sabi”. In other words, we find beauty from the fewest.
It’s only a moment, and there is a lot of emptiness. At the other end of the spectrum, there is a beautiful “insect bark” that is very emotional even in such “transience, hakanage”. In Japan, the sound of “insects” is expressed in various forms, as if playing an instrument. I also find “beauty” in the cry. You can find “Aware” there.
For example, the pine bug “Cee-loline”. You know that Suzumushi is “Rinrin”, Higurashi “Kanakana”, Matsumushi “Chirorin”, Korogi “Korokoro”, and Kirigirisu produce beautiful tones. And so on. Also, a crustacean called Caprellidae, which is about 5 cm in water, is an “insect.” This means that if you dry, your body will crack. That figure.
In classics, dragonflies are often used to describe “transience, dragonflies.” This is the word “mayfly”, which is the “transience, hakanage” of the insect’s “life”, and due to the meteorological phenomenon, the surface of the earth becomes hot, and the object becomes swaying and flames. A phenomenon that looks like. It is a homonym called “mayfly” and emphasizes “transience”, that is, “aware” of things by superimposing. In other words, it expresses “wabi sabi”.
Then, the firefly also has a short “life” and lights the darkness of the night with a tiny point, so it finds a beautiful “light” from the few. It is sometimes used in Japan as an expression of short life, few things, and as a very “beautiful” thing.
(In Japan, the graduation ceremony is based on the Scottish folk song “Hotaru no Hikari”, “Old, Sign”, and the lyrics written by the Japanese are often sung. Also, when the store is closed. , It flows well. I will omit it here, but if you are interested, please read the lyrics.)
Also, because of the beauty of butterflies, their “life” is ephemeral. Bagworms are larvae of “moths and moths”, but you can still discover their appearance, that is, the “beauty” of “life”, which is the opposite of “ugliness”. The cry is also “Chichiyo. Chichiyo.” You can discover “Aware” as if the child was begging her mother for breast milk.
Nukazuki insects are pests that attach to rice, the staple food of Japanese food. However, even the “pests” feel the “original morality”, and in this world, the “life” that can only live with the “pests” is called “aware”.
And, “fly” clings to people very much, but it is a “pest” and its appearance is “aware”.
Summer bugs are famous in Japan as “summer bugs that fly into the fire.” It’s like a bug jumping out of the darkness of the night and flying into a bright fire. Then, I found it like this.
I hate ants, but it seems very humorous to walk lightly on the water. The author, who is in the summer scene, writes about various “insects”.
“Ito” means “very”, and in English, it means “very”, which is an emphasized word. The underline is the emphasis. The underline of “Nari” indicates its “state”.
The insect is a bell worm. Cicada (Higurashi). butterfly. Pine bug. Cricket. Just barely. From us. Mayfly. fire Fly. The bagworm (moth larva) is ito aware nari.
A parent with an ugly appearance like a demon gave birth, and of course he looked like a parent, and his heart was terrifying like a demon. I haven’t blown it, but when it’s the season, I’ll come to pick you up. Please wait. “I didn’t even know that I ran away, and when I heard the sound of the wind, in August,” Chichiyo. Chichiyo. “Crying to the parent.(hakanage)
Nukazukimushi and aware nari.It seems that he is doing his best to raise that morality and work hard. Unexpectedly, it is interesting to walk in a dark place, making noises.
The fly is something I hate so much that I want to put it in the “Hateful Chapter (Chapter of Makuranosoushi)”, but I don’t like it, so I’m sorry.(aware) It’s not big enough for everyone to be an enemy, but in the fall, it stays on various things, on the face, etc., with sticky legs. The fact that a person’s name has “fly” makes me want to (ito)avoid it.
Summer bug. It’s noisy like an (ito)interesting banquet, like a song. When I bring a fire nearby and read literature, I fly to the top of a booklet. It’s (ito)interesting. Ants (ito)hate it, but their lightness is amazing, and the appearance of just walking on the water and walking is interesting.