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コストコの簡単レシピで家族を笑顔にする秘訣を解明Uncover the Secret to Making Your Family Smile with Quick and Easy Costco Recipes


In today's fast-paced world, getting a delicious meal on the table that everyone loves can seem daunting. But what if I told you that you could create delightful meals quickly and easily using ingredients from Costco? With a wide range of high-quality, affordable items available, Costco makes meal prep more manageable. In this post, we will share some quick and flavorful recipes that will soon become family favorites.


The Advantages of Shopping at Costco

コストコで買い物をすると、お金を節約できるだけでなく、料理を簡単にするさまざまな製品を手に入れることができます。まとめ買いオプションを利用すれば、素早い食事の準備に最適な定番品をストックできます。たとえば、冷凍野菜を購入する方が経済的だということをご存知でしたか? 平均して、冷凍野菜を購入すると、新鮮な野菜に比べて 20 ~ 30% 節約できます。さらに、コストコのあらかじめマリネされた肉は、風味豊かなオプションをすぐに利用できるため、時間の節約になります。

これらの高品質の食材を使用することで、栄養価が高く魅力的な食事を準備できます。調査によると、週に少なくとも 3 回一緒に食事をする家族は、より幸せでつながりが強いと報告されています。コストコの製品を使用すると、料理の時間を楽しみながらこれを実現できます。

Shopping at Costco not only helps you save money, but it also gives you access to a variety of products that simplify cooking. With bulk buying options, you can stock up on staples that are ideal for quick meal preparation. For instance, did you know that purchasing frozen vegetables is more economical? On average, buying frozen veggies saves you 20-30% compared to fresh ones. Plus, Costco’s pre-marinated meats save you time with flavor-packed options right at your fingertips.

By using these quality ingredients, you can prepare meals that are both nutritious and appealing. Studies show that families who sit down to eat together at least three times a week report being happier and more connected. With Costco products, you can make this a reality while enjoying your cooking time.


Quick Costco Recipe: One-Pan Chicken and Vegetables

コストコでの買い物を最大限に活用する最も簡単な方法の 1 つは、ワンパン料理を準備することです。30 分以内に作れる簡単なレシピをご紹介します。


コストコのロティサリーチキン 1 羽

冷凍ミックス野菜 1 袋 (約 16 オンス)

オリーブオイル 大さじ 2

ガーリックパウダー 小さじ 1

イタリアン シーズニング 小さじ 1


オーブンを 400°F (200°C) に予熱します。


野菜にガーリックパウダーとイタリアン シーズニングを振りかけます。



すべてが完全に加熱されるまで約 20 分間焼きます。

One of the easiest ways to make the most of your Costco shopping is by preparing a one-pan meal. Here’s a quick recipe that you can whip up in under 30 minutes.


  • 1 Costco rotisserie chicken

  • 1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables (approximately 16 oz)

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning


  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).

  2. In a large baking dish, add the frozen mixed vegetables and drizzle with olive oil.

  3. Season the vegetables with garlic powder and Italian seasoning.

  4. Shred the rotisserie chicken and add it to the dish.

  5. Toss everything together to ensure an even coating.

  6. Bake for about 20 minutes until everything is heated through.

One-Pan Chicken and Vegetables
A delicious one-pan chicken and vegetables meal made with Costco ingredients.


This one-pan chicken and vegetable dish is not only easy to prepare, but it also limits the cleanup, giving you more time to relax with your loved ones.


A Hearty Breakfast: Costco Breakfast Burritos



コストコの冷凍朝食ブリトー 2 個

サルサ 1/2 カップ

熟したアボカド 1 個、スライス


パッケージの説明に従って朝食ブリトーを温めます (通常は電子レンジで 1 ~ 2 分)。

ブリトーをスライスして開き、スプーン 1 杯のサルサとアボカドのスライスを加えます。

Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast can set the tone for a successful day ahead. Costco's frozen breakfast burritos are a fantastic time-saver and can be easily customized to suit your family's tastes.


  • 2 Costco frozen breakfast burritos

  • 1/2 cup salsa

  • 1 ripe avocado, sliced


  1. Heat the breakfast burritos according to package instructions (usually microwave for 1-2 minutes).

  2. Slice open the burritos and add a spoonful of salsa along with some avocado slices.

Costco Breakfast Burritos
A tasty breakfast burrito topped with fresh avocado and salsa.


These burritos not only save time but also provide a nutritious start to your day your family will enjoy.


Simple Snacks: Veggie Cups with Hummus

子どもたちが本当に食べたくなるようなヘルシーなおやつをお探しですか? フムスを使った野菜カップを作ってみてはいかがでしょうか。コストコでは、オーガニックのカット済み野菜を各種取り揃えていますので、この準備は簡単です。


コストコで調理したフムス 1 個 (16 オンス)

にんじんスティック、セロリ、ピーマンの細切りミックス (約 2 カップ)





Looking for a healthy snack that kids will actually want to eat? Consider making veggie cups with hummus. Costco offers a range of organic, pre-cut vegetables, making this preparation a breeze.


  • 1 container Costco-prepared hummus (16 oz)

  • A mix of carrot sticks, celery, and bell pepper strips (about 2 cups)


  1. Fill small cups with a portion of hummus at the bottom.

  2. Arrange veggie sticks upright in the cups for a fun presentation.

This simple snack is not only colorful but also promotes healthy eating among children.


Creative Dinner: Costco Shrimp Stir-Fry



コストコの冷凍エビ 1 ポンド

野菜炒めミックス 1 袋 (生または冷凍、約 12 オンス)

醤油または照り焼きソース 1/4 カップ

炊いたご飯またはキヌア 2 カップ



野菜が柔らかくなったら、エビを加え、ピンク色になるまで炒めます (約 3 ~ 5 分)。




For a dinner that's both impressive and easy to make, try a shrimp stir-fry using ready-to-cook shrimp from Costco.


  • 1 pound frozen shrimp from Costco

  • 1 bag of mixed stir-fry vegetables (fresh or frozen, about 12 oz)

  • 1/4 cup soy sauce or teriyaki sauce

  • 2 cups cooked rice or quinoa


  1. In a frying pan, heat a splash of oil and add the mixed vegetables.

  2. Once the vegetables are tender, add the shrimp and cook until they turn pink (about 3-5 minutes).

  3. Stir in your choice of sauce until heated through.

  4. Serve over cooked rice or quinoa.

This shrimp stir-fry is a fun way to include more seafood in your family's diet while serving up a colorful meal that looks gourmet.


Sweet Treat: Costco Frozen Chocolate-Covered Bananas



コストコの冷凍チョコレートバナナ 1 箱




After a wholesome meal, everyone deserves a treat! These frozen chocolate-covered bananas are easy to serve and delightful to eat.


  • 1 box Costco frozen chocolate-covered bananas


  1. Serve them straight from the freezer or let them thaw for a few minutes for a softer texture.

These treats are a guilt-free way to end a family dinner on a high note.


Wrapping Things Up




As we have discovered, Costco provides a treasure trove of ingredients that can save you time and create joyful meal experiences for your family. By using Costco's frozen products and pre-prepared options, you can efficiently whip up meals that are both delicious and nutritious.

Investing a little time in meal planning around Costco ingredients can lead to more laughter and quality time at the dining table. So, stock up on your favorites to keep the joy of cooking alive in your home!

Incorporating these quick and easy Costco recipes into your weekly meal plan can help ensure your family stays happy, healthy, and smiling!




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