[米国大統領選挙]2024年共和党トランプ氏が当選確実|メディアで別れる報道[US Presidential Election] Republican Donald Trump certain to win in 2024 | Media reports divided
[政治資金]財務省を始めとした政治家既得権益を手放したくない[Political funds] Politicians, including the Ministry of Finance, do not want to give up their vested interests
2024年10月27日衆議院選挙の自民、公明の過半数割れに関する考察Consideration of the LDP and Komeito losing their majority in the October 27, 2024 House of Representatives election
日本は議員内閣制|スピード感がない政治Japan has a parliamentary cabinet system | Politics without a sense of speed
[朝日新聞]旧統一教会から盛山文科相選挙で支援という記事の本質[Asahi Shimbun] The essence of the article about support from the former Unification Church in Moriyama's education minister election
自民党が負けた前橋市長選挙と僅差の京都市長選挙の感想と今後の政治の先を考えてみたI thought about the Maebashi mayoral election, which the Liberal Democratic Party lost, and the Kyoto mayoral election, which had a close margin.
麻生太郎氏の上川外相の容姿発言は麻生氏の人気をさらに加速する|麻生太郎という人物像Foreign Minister Kamikawa's comment about Taro Aso's appearance further accelerates Aso's popularity | Portrait of Taro Aso
政治資金パーティ券裏金問題は国民の不満を抜くガス抜きでしかないThe political fund party ticket slush fund issue is nothing more than a way to vent public discontent.
[2024年米国大統領選挙]アメリカ共和党予備選挙でヘイリー氏はどう戦うべきか?政治資金問題はテコの原理が働く[2024 US Presidential Election] How should Haley compete in the US Republican primary? The lever principle works in political funding issues.
[2024年米国大統領選挙]アメリカ共和党予備選挙でトランプ氏が強いという民意とは?[2024 US Presidential Election] What is the public opinion
[2024年米国大統領選挙]選挙は政策を吟味する場|選挙公約が守られるのか検討しよう[2024 US Presidential Election] Elections are a forum for examining policies | Let's consider whether election promises will be kept
[2024年米国大統領選挙]国民の多様性を尊重することが成功の鍵を握る[2024 US Presidential Election] Respecting national diversity is
レイワ新選組の山本太郎氏能登半島地震の被災地でのカレー事件の感想Reiwa Shinsengumi's Taro Yamamoto's thoughts on the curry incident in the Noto Peninsula earthquake disaster area
選挙の出口調査が違法だと思うこれだけの理由|憲法違反Reasons why election exit polls are illegal | Unconstitutional
通信の秘密|個人の尊厳を大切にする社会にしようSecrets of Communication | Let’s create a society that values individua
黙秘権|自分の権利を知って生活しようRight to remain silent | Know your rights and live your life
タレントやユーチューバーも政治家になる時代The era in which entertainers and YouTubers become politicians
[参議院選挙 2022]日本国民は憲法改正政党を選んだ[House of Councillors Election 2022] The Japanese people chose a constitutional reform party
ニュースで見たゼレンスキー大統領の演説と政治と経済発展。President Zelensky’s Speech and economic development as seen in th
岸田首相の記者会見とロシアに対する国民感情。Prime minister press conference and public sentiment towards Russia.