[長期株式投資家]株式投資は勝率よりも損切りが上手い方が儲かる[Long-term stock investor] Stock investment is more profitable if you are good at cutting losses than by winning rate.
[長期株式投資家]株式投資買うタイミングは難しい[long term stock investor] Timing to buy stock investment is difficult
私の株式投資の勉強は損失から始まったMy study of stock investment began with losses.
日本はマイナス金利解除|日本株の上昇を狙える環境が整うJapan lifts negative interest rates|Environment is in place to aim for a rise in Japanese stocks
2024年新NISAが始まった資金はどこに向かうのか考えてみたI thought about where the funds from the new NISA in 2024 will go.
悪徳税理士にも負けない経営|取引先を大切にすれば結果はついてくるManagement that can stand up to unscrupulous tax accountants | Resul
お金の話をしてはいけない|友達を失う原因になるDon’t talk about money | It will cause you to lose friends
EV元年|EV自動車にどう対応するか考えてみたThe first year of EVs | Thinking about how to respond to EV cars
不動産投資|資材不足で建築費用が多額になる時代Real estate investment | A time when construction costs are high due to lack
お金の教育を受けずに株式投資をする日本人Japanese people invest in stocks without financial education
[体験談]土地境界線トラブルを解決する|たった半年の期間だった[Experience story] Solving land boundary problems | It only took half
不動産投資の感想Thoughts on real estate investment
サラリーマンが現物不動産投資で銀行貸付なしで副業する2Salaryman earns a side job by investing in real estate without a bank loa
[HGVC]ヒルトングランドバケーションを購入する方法|買って得する条件[HGVC] How to purchase Hilton Grand Vacations | Conditions for p
[体験談]マイホームはマンションか一戸建てか?|自分のライフスタイルに合わせて決めよう|マンション編[Experience] Is my home an apartment or a detached
[不動産の買い方,売り方]初めてマイホームの収支報告をします|転勤族でも家を買った[How to buy and sell real estate] Reporting the income and
[団地5階]不動産投資は高品質にリノベーションをすれば長く住んでくれる[5th floor of the housing complex] If you invest in real estate,
不動産価格は上昇中!今後どうなる?Real estate prices are rising! What will happen in the future?
マンション建替狙いは博打The aim of rebuilding the condominium is gambling.