気軽に介護,90代の認知症の父と母を介護|介護資格を持っている筆者がしたこと①Easy care, caring for my father and mother with dementia in t
高齢化社会で対応に追われる社会現象Social phenomena that need to be addressed in an aging society
マスクをする日本人の心境|老後医療を考えるHow Japanese people feel when wearing masks | Thinking about medical care in ol
介護で兄弟仲が悪くなることはよくあること|お金がかからずできる対処法It is common for siblings to have a bad relationship due to nursin
認知症の徘徊対策|安心して介護をするCountermeasures against wandering in dementia | Provide care with peace of mind
認知症の介護|環境を変えてはいけないNursing care for dementia|Do not change the environment
老人のプライド,介護拒否,疲弊せずに介護する方法|介護資格を持った筆者の対処した方法Elderly pride, refusal to provide care, and how to provide
死の恐怖さえ忘れていく認知症になった父|穏やかな顔になったMy father, who has dementia, forgets even the fear of death | His face
老後生活と老人ホーム|老後生活は苦しいことがたくさんあるという現実Retirement life and nursing homes | The reality that there are many
医療が充実すると不都合な現実|認知症患者が増える訳An inconvenient reality as medical care improves | Reasons why the number o
介護保険は頼れない時代|老後不安An era when you can’t rely on long-term care insurance | Anxiety about retirem
感染症で後遺症が残る死ぬまで会えないかもしれない|私の母親の場合In the case of my mother, I may not be able to see her until she die